Rieu, Andre-Live (CD)
The Maestro of the Masses Live In Concert
1-CD Holland
Classical / Classical Crossover
André Rieu, the “Maestro Of The Masses” (New York Times), “A Weapon Of Mass Happiness” (The Spectator), and the best-selling classical musician on the planet. A lively military march kick-start the album, with André directing from the violin. It’s a concert favorite, as the audience can clap along, and a marching band take to the aisles to bring the performance to life. The players are all amazing at their instruments, and bring along a great personality to the music, so you can tell they enjoy what they’re doing. There’s a real sense of sheer delight and good fun, with the orchestra playing little tricks with each other and Andre is the ringmaster, conducting the orchestra with his eyebrows while he creates magic on his violin.